Sonic riders pc memory editor
Sonic riders pc memory editor

sonic riders pc memory editor sonic riders pc memory editor

Sonic recognizes the trap and then the two titans battle it out for a climactic ending fight! Sonic DOOM For thousands of years the "ChaosDoom," or Element Legion lay trapped, suspended in a state of lonely silence within the Master Chaos Emerald, watching seasons in the outside worlds come and go, generations birth and die. Robotnik tries to trick Sonic into handing over the final ingredient. Robotnik kidnaps the professor just prior to Sonic acquiring the last ingredient. Professor Boobowski takes the ingredients from Sonic as he gets them and begins preparing the wonder cure. He tells Sonic that he needs to collect the cure ingredients from different worlds as quickly as possible. Sonic meets Professor Boobowski, the only man in Mobius who can save him. Robotnik himself was previously infected and his plan is to trick Sonic into getting the cure and then snatch it away. Robotnik infects Sonic with a deadly Doom virus. Robotnik plans a series of puzzles and then sets the Cannon to FULL power, zapping the entire planet! When the boom and flash of light fades, Mobius is transformed! Huge chunks of wood, plant, metal and even whole houses, cars, etc.- All ripped up, floating angellically in various angles in the sky! What a trip! So now, to complicate the distance/time issue, Sonic has a warped "twisted" world to navigate through that's filled with Robotnik's badniks! And to think that all Sonic wants is a nice, quiet good old-fashioned date! It's going to be more than half the fun getting there. Filled with devilish glee after a few more successful experiments, Robotnik schemes a way to stop Sonic from stealing the Emeralds AND to trap him forever! Having developed a spring- switch device to control the rotation of the floating walkways, Dr. Tested on impulse power, the Cannon beamed a secluded forest in Mobius, causing its trees to rip from the ground and float in various orientations in the sky.

sonic riders pc memory editor

Robotnik decides that it's a great time for his new SuperDooper MegaRay Cannon. Unfortunately, via his Sneaky Spy Satellite (S3), egg-boy Robotnik gets wind of Sonic's chivalric endeavor and sets out to stop him.

sonic riders pc memory editor

Sonic figures a little necklace endowed with 7 certain Chaos emeralds would make a nifty gift to cheer her up. The longer he takes, the more miffed she'll be when he arrives. Tiara waits calmly, but cameo footage reveals her increasing impatience. Sonic hangs in his Knothole crib, while Manx-baby chills in her pop's Kingdom a thousand males away!!! Sonic's got to race into and over many secret hills and valleys to get to his love. Good luck, Blue Boy!!! Sonic wants to meet up with Tiara for a date, though the distance between them presents a bit of a problem. Regardless of how long Sonic's trek lasts, he’s in for a BIG surprise in the end. The longer it takes him, the darker it gets and the more miffed Tiara will be in the end. Their choice of a romantic spot makes for an adventurous journey as obstacles and enemies of all sorts plague Sonic’s path. Sonic Twist Sonic has until sundown to make his date with Tiara, the beautiful Manx Kitten-Princess. Multiple storylines were considered during the game's production, all of which were documented by Chris Senn on his website, the Sonic Xtreme Compendium.

Sonic riders pc memory editor